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Local Organic Wheatgrass & Wheatgrass Juice

Organic Wheatgrass

 $16.00    1 Pound

Organic Wheatgrass Juice

 $3.00    1 Ounce

$5.00    2 Ounces

To order, please text Tom at:


Wheatgrass Q & A’s

What are the medical benefits of Wheatgrass Juice consumption to the human body? 
Wheatgrass Juice which contains chlorophyll, enzymes, vitamins and nutrients has been linked to many medical benefits. Some of those benefits are listed below:
* Increases hemoglobin production
* Rebuilds the blood stream
* Helps prevent tooth decay
* Improves the body’s ability to heal wounds
* Purifies the Blood
* Creates an unfavorable environment for unfriendly bacteria growth
* Washes drug deposits from the body
* Neutralizes toxins and carcinogens in the body
* Helps purify the liver
* Improves blood sugar disorders
* Keeps hair from graying
* Improves digestion
* Removes heavy metals from the body
* Reduces high blood pressure
* Aids in the prevention and curing of cancer

What is the nutritional value of wheatgrass Juice?
One ounce of Wheatgrass Juice is equivalent in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids found in 2-1/2 pounds of green leaf vegetables.
1 oz. Wheatgrass Juice = 2-1/2 lbs. Green leaf vegetables
Wheatgrass is one of the richest natural sources of vitamins A, complete B complex, B-17, C, E, and K. In addition, Wheatgrass is an excellent source of Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Sulphur, Cobalt, Zinc, 17 forms of amino acids and enzymes.

What is Wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass is a plant that is grown from the Red Wheat berry, a special strain of wheat that produces high concentrations of chlorophyll, active enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients.

What is Wheatgrass Juice?
Wheatgrass juice is the pure juice that is extracted from the wheatgrass pulp (which, unless you are really a cow, you cannot digest). The juice consists of 70% chlorophyll and active Enzymes, vitamins and nutrients.

How Is Our Wheatgrass Grown?
Our Wheatgrass is organic and grown at Ocean Grown Farms using Ocean Grown Solution in a controlled and pristine hydroponics environment until it reaches maturity. Then it is harvested and packaged.  From there it’s ready to be juiced for the most dynamic source of nutrition you have ever experienced!  Ocean Grown Solution is a liquid organic fertilizer supplement filled with ocean-mined minerals, and listed approved for organic production by OMRI. It is manufactured using a proprietary process from pure, deep ocean water!

What is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll which makes up over 70% of the solid content of wheatgrass juice is the basis of all plant life. Chlorophyll is often referred to as “the blood of plant life.” and it closely resembles the molecules of human red blood cells.

How is Chlorophyll so closely related to human blood?
Both Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin share a similar atom structure to create the there respective molecules.  The only actual difference in the two molecules is that of the metallic atom element. In human blood or hemoglobin the metallic atom consists of iron, while in Chlorophyll the metallic atom is magnesium.

What is the importance of Chlorophyll’s resemblance to human blood?
Since Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin are so much alike in atom structure it allows it to be absorbed quickly and begin to rebuild the blood stream.

What are enzymes?
Enzymes in laymen terms are like highly skilled workers on an assembly line. Each enzyme performs a specific function within the body while in harmony with other enzymes. They are important and required for everything we do from breathing to cognitive reasoning to proper organ function and digestion…just to name a few…are all controlled by enzymes. 

Why are enzymes so important for good health?
With the important role of enzymes involvement in every body function, it is necessary that we intake adequate enzymes on a daily basis. Unfortunately, medical doctors have found that we don’t get all the enzymes we need from our cooked, over salted and over processed foods. This in turn results in overall poor health situation. Wheatgrass Juice can provide the additional enzyme intake your body requires for overall good health.

Is it true that enzymes aid in the prevention and curing of cancer?
Yes, it is true that enzymes have been linked to the prevention and curing of cancer. In an article recently published in the Journal Of Longivity Research Vol.2/No.4 1996, enzymes were praised for there ability to combat the cancer disease. Enzymes in short deter the cancer cells ability to hide from the immune system and spread throughout the body.

How can I prepare the Wheatgrass Juice?
After you have received your Wheatgrass, juice 1-2 oz. of Wheatgrass in a juicer. You can then drink it straight like a shot (best to drink slowly) or mix it with other ingredients.
Here are a few combinations you can try.

Carrot – Wheatgrass Juice Drink 
1 oz. Wheatgrass juice
3 oz. carrot juice                                                                                                              
Wheatgrass Refreshmint
6 oz. mineral water
4 oz. wheatgrass juice w/
2-3 fresh spearmint leaves
Kiwi Wheatgrass Smoothie
2 oz. wheatgrass
3-4 Kiwi
½ Banana  Blend together

How much Wheatgrass Juice should I drink?
We suggest that you start out with 1-2 ounces per day for the first week. Then if you wish you can gradually increase your intake to 4 ounces per day.

How long can I store my Wheatgrass juice?   The nutritional impact of wheatgrass as a living food is most effective at its freshest point, which is soon after it is cut.  However, to preserve the benefits it can be stored as packaged for up to 10 days in the refrigerator.  Once you have juiced your wheatgrass, it should be consumed within about 36 hours or at most 2 days.

What results can I expect?   First of all, you should quickly notice an increase in your energy level as the nutritional benefits enter your bloodstream within 20 minutes.  Many notice a clarity to their thinking as oxygen is flooding your blood vessels.  Your blood sugar levels will be more stable without extreme highs and lows, especially if you drink small amounts a few times throughout the day.  Most people experience and amazing sense of well being when they begin drinking wheatgrass juice, as though you body is saying “THANK YOU!”  This is especially true if your system has been  starved of the vital nutrients it’s receiving.

  • Wheatgrass has phenomenal anti-aging properties.  In a very short time, your skin elasticity will improve, blemishes will clear up, scars begin to fade and skin texture is dramatically improved. It softens and reduces inflammation of the skin, as it is rebuilding your blood and neutralizing the harmful effects of toxins in your body.
  • Cravings for substance such as caffeine, sugar and empty carbohydrates (junk food) will be greatly diminished because your body is now receiving the nutrition that properly regulates your blood sugar.  Wheatgrass is excellent as a diet supplement because it gives you a satisfying sense of fullness in between meals to help curb cravings while it improves your rate of metabolism.

The health benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice on a regular basis or as a therapy regimen are amazing!  The short term effects are astounding, the long term effects for some are nothing short of, Life transforming!  Wheatgrass juice is the ultimate makeover for your blood which is the life force of your body, cleansing and nourishing from the cellular level to your organs to your outward appearance.

Are there other uses for wheatgrass?      Yes!  Wheatgrass juice is wonderful applied to your skin. After washing your face, either spray from a bottle or dip your fingers in some juice and gently rub on your skin.  Leave for 20 minutes and rinse off.  It removes brown spots, tones and tightens skin, heals blemishes and leaves your skin extremely soft.

Wheat grass juice is a wonderful cleansing addition to your bath water.  It can also be massaged into the scalp before shampooing as it has aided in preventing hair loss.

Insect bites, cuts and burns heal quickly when applying the antiseptic juice.  Be sure to let it dry on the area before covering.