FREE 1 WEEK sample pack of Colostrum
(Scroll down for photos)
Anovite will send you a very impressive FREE 1 WEEK sample pack of Colostrum to try! No strings attached and no credit card required. It’s been helping so many people in so many areas!
To request your FREE 1 WEEK sample pack of Colostrum, please text Tom at:
What is Colostrum?
Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced by a mother’s mammary glands during the first few hours after birth.
Anovite’s Colostrum
(Purest ● True ● 6 Hour ● Third Party Tested)
Anovite is a 32 year old company that manufactures the Purest, True, 6 Hour Colostrum (from cows) and is the only one third party tested. It is the only certified 6 hour Colostrum on the market. They’ve been ranked #1 in the world and also have won mutiple Peoples Choice and Reader’s Choice awards. Anovite’s Colostrum is sourced from Happy, Healthy, USDA Grade A Grass Fed Cows. Formulated by the world’s leading Colostrum expert, Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith, Ph.D.
Highly Recommended by Dr. Lauren
“Colostrum is EXREMELY beneficial to every system and every cell in our body! Everyone should be taking it!”
Dr. Edward Lauren, Ph.D.
29 Health Benefits of Colostrum
(The Most Powerful Superfood on Earth)
True Colostrum contains over 700 nutrients that rebuild, repair and regenerate every system within our body!
Over 172,000 scientific studies show that True Colostrum greatly supports:
Increased Energy
Better Sleep
Cognitive and Memory
Cardiovascular Health
Immune System
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar Levels
Gut Health
Weight Loss and Metabolism
Chemical Communication
Respiratory Function
Positive Mood
Normal Cholesterol
Nervous System
Stem Cell Mobilization
Smoother, Softer Skin
Skin Protection
Skeletal System
Reduction in Oxidative Stress
Youthful Muscles
New Cell Generation
Tissue Repair
Protection Against Bacteria
Provides Complete Protein
Provides the 9 Essential Amino Acids
FREE 1 WEEK sample pack of Colostrum

To request your FREE 1 WEEK sample pack of Colostrum, please text Tom at:
What is Colostrum?
Eric’s Testimonial
Tom’s Testimonial

“I haven’t been able to sleep straight through the night for years and usually wake up 1-3 times per night & sometimes it’s a little hard to fall back to sleep. Also, about 30-40% of the time I would wake up with a racing heart rate or heart palpitations, many times feeling like I was going to die! TERRIBLE feeling!! The very first day I took Anovite’s Colostrum, I went to bed that night, quickly fell right to sleep & when I woke up I noticed it was morning!! I couldn’t believe it was morning & that I slept straight through the night!! That was the first time that happened in years! I’ve been taking Anovite’s Colostrum for about 3 weeks now, have been sleeping straight through the night every night since I started taking it and have not once had any racing heart rate or heart palpitations!!! I’ve also noticed better bowel movements & lots of energy!!! I didn’t realize that it was giving me lots of energy until one day after 6:00pm I realized that I hadn’t eaten any food that day at all. All I had in the morning was my usual green health shake & my Colostrum! I felt great, had plenty of energy and did not feel hungry at all! I went ahead and ate dinner, but I felt like I could have continued working the rest of the night without any food & would have still felt great! Usually, if I go that long without food I would feel hunger pains & lack of energy.”
Shari’s Testimonial
“I’m really liking the Anovite products. I’ve really been sleeping great ever since starting the samples. I love how it tastes. I mixed the Colostrum in with my coffee using a frother and had great energy!”
Conference Call with Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith, Ph.D.
(Formulator of Anovite’s Colostrum and World’s Leading Colostrum Expert)


To request your FREE 1 WEEK sample pack of Colostrum, please text Tom at: